In Whom Do You Trust?

Faith, Freedom, Hope

I heard this question on a television show and it sparked my interest. In whom do I trust? Do I trust in God or am I trusting in self? Am I trusting in doctors and medicine or trusting God for my healing?

I haven’t posted much since starting here on WordPress. And I surely have not posted much in the past several months.

First of all, I ran out of beautiful stories from Freeset who made Gods Its Not About Me into tangible pieces to share with others.

The other reason was when I began this space to share about Jesus and all He has done in beautiful peoples lives as well as my own, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease, stage three if you want to stage it, the kind that is chronic and had made its way into my brain.

I knew nothing of this nasty life sucker til October 2018.

It had found its way into my brain and buried itself deep within. It has seemed to take away so much in this short span of time but God has also given so much.

I resigned from my position as a Registered Nurse on thanksgiving 2018. Gratitude was not on my lips, interestingly since I knew my calling was not at this particular place.

I wanted to be a stay at home mom but on my terms. I didn’t want my career taken from me, in dramatic form -that is how I looked at this situation at first.

My career doesn’t define me. My health doesn’t define me. Jesus defines me.

I also looked at this time and place as one where God was changing me inside out once again.

I am still out of work but looking to return to my calling – Hospice Nursing. I am also still in treatment for this Lyme thing.

I have found what rest truly is. That healing prayer is amazing and that we do in fact have the power that raised Jesus from the grave living within us. That He did say that we would do greater works than these that He did and we have the power to claim that and pursue it!

I have reengaged in writing a book that God put on my heart in 2012 right around the time that He gave me this visual of Its Not About Me! And I have committed to Him that I will obey and do what He has called me to do – be in His loving presence and to run the race that He has set before me. Before me! No one else!

It’s Not About Me, all this is not about me! All this is about Him, the way His breath and His voice and song speaks through each and everyone of my days and moments.

I’m praying these words direct you to your first love… Jesus, and our loving Papa God, while speaking continuously to Holy Spirit through out each day and most importantly… listening and being still.

May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, may Papa God turn his face towards you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26


Affirmations from self talk


Affirmations from self talk

I am worthless – I am worthy, precious heir to His thrown
I am not a good sponsor – I am sober
I am not a good friend – I am Jesus’ friend
I am judgemental – I am realistic
I am hard – I am experienced
I am angry – I am processing
I am alone – I am surrounded by angels and the Holy Spirit
My hair is ugly – I am healthy, His Princess
No one likes me – Jesus, God love me endlessly
I am lazy – I am a hard compassionate worker as a nurse, mom, person and wife
What bricks will you build from today?  Truth or lies?
I choose TRUTH